Konrad Achillis schreef op 3 oktober 2010:

Dear Bart,
Thank you for replying soon.
I understand that you are very keen on proofs.
Can you prove that death is the end of everything?
I am not interested in either your opinion or that of Hitchen, as the two of you are mere amateurs. You have limited yourselves to the pure materialistic side of life, denying the spiritual.
So, once more: proofs, of what you assert.

en op 4 oktober:

Dear Bart,
A friend of mine told me, that in Virginia two teens committed suicide. Without proof, what is their position now in your opinion?

en op 5 oktober:

Dear Bart,
As I understand some Dutch I found a most remarkable answer about "hell"
With what authority did you utter this idea?
What proof do you have - or better said: what proof exists that there is nothing like hell?
To me you behave like some doctors who won't tell their patient that he has a fatal disease.
In the long run he will felt to be deceived.



Dear Konrad,

It’s all about evidence, which determines the plausibility of statements. My entire website is dedicated to showing why atheism is more plausible than theism. If you disagree, you should criticize my arguments, not merely stating I’m wrong.

I have devoted a complete article (in Dutch) showing why there is no such thing as a soul. This also evaporates the problem of hell: there is no soul which could spent eternity in there. When one dies, it’s all over: dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return (Gen. 3:19).

With kind regards,

Bart Klink


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Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

Etienne VermeerschEtienne Vermeersch, moraalfilosoof, emeritus hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Gent.


I don't think God is an explanation at all. It's simply redescribing the problem.

~ Richard Dawkins

Konrad Achillis schreef op 3 oktober 2010:

Dear Bart,
Thank you for replying soon.
I understand that you are very keen on proofs.
Can you prove that death is the end of everything?
I am not interested in either your opinion or that of Hitchen, as the two of you are mere amateurs. You have limited yourselves to the pure materialistic side of life, denying the spiritual.
So, once more: proofs, of what you assert.

en op 4 oktober:

Dear Bart,
A friend of mine told me, that in Virginia two teens committed suicide. Without proof, what is their position now in your opinion?

en op 5 oktober:

Dear Bart,
As I understand some Dutch I found a most remarkable answer about "hell"
With what authority did you utter this idea?
What proof do you have - or better said: what proof exists that there is nothing like hell?
To me you behave like some doctors who won't tell their patient that he has a fatal disease.
In the long run he will felt to be deceived.



Dear Konrad,

It’s all about evidence, which determines the plausibility of statements. My entire website is dedicated to showing why atheism is more plausible than theism. If you disagree, you should criticize my arguments, not merely stating I’m wrong.

I have devoted a complete article (in Dutch) showing why there is no such thing as a soul. This also evaporates the problem of hell: there is no soul which could spent eternity in there. When one dies, it’s all over: dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return (Gen. 3:19).

With kind regards,

Bart Klink

Wie zijn er online?

We hebben 458 gasten en geen leden online

Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

Etienne VermeerschEtienne Vermeersch, moraalfilosoof, emeritus hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Gent.


I don't think God is an explanation at all. It's simply redescribing the problem.

~ Richard Dawkins