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Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

Jaap van HeerdenJaap van Heerden, filosoof, hoogleraar psychologie aan de Universiteit Maastricht.


If you have a faith, it is statistically overwhelmingly likely that it is the same faith as your parents and grandparents had. No doubt soaring cathedrals, stirring music, moving stories and parables, help a bit. But by far the most important variable determining your religion is the accident of birth. The convictions that you so passionately believe would have been a completely different, and largely contradictory, set of convictions, if only you had happened to be born in a different place. Epidemiology, not evidence.

~ Richard Dawkins

Het artikel "Sporen van evolutie in de mens" is hier als PDF-bestand te downloaden.

Wie zijn er online?

We hebben 48 gasten en geen leden online

Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

Jaap van HeerdenJaap van Heerden, filosoof, hoogleraar psychologie aan de Universiteit Maastricht.


If you have a faith, it is statistically overwhelmingly likely that it is the same faith as your parents and grandparents had. No doubt soaring cathedrals, stirring music, moving stories and parables, help a bit. But by far the most important variable determining your religion is the accident of birth. The convictions that you so passionately believe would have been a completely different, and largely contradictory, set of convictions, if only you had happened to be born in a different place. Epidemiology, not evidence.

~ Richard Dawkins